My Pregnancy - What I wish I knew, and How I planned my 40wks Series. Part One

I believe that pregnancy is a blessing that many women seek to achieve and once you in it “honesty” around it is sometimes harshly criticized by mostly other women who don’t agree or had a different experience, Disclaimer what you will read from this point on was “my experience” while pregnant, doesn’t mean it is the rule and that it would be yours, this is very personal journey and I am very happy to share mine with you.

First Trimester -

My body went through many changes during this time, which many are not very pleasant.

  1. Be ready for morning sickness to hit you anytime not just in the morning, I had mine through the whole pregnancy, what I think makes me an “expert” on it. Medication like Diclegis helps to prevent it and Zofran occasionally when throwing up is unavoidable but of course always discuss with your Dr is this is a good option for you.  Gum!!!! yes always be chewing gum for some reason there is something about it that helps you with nausea after eating and between meals, I don’t know if flavor had anything to do with it but mint was my flavor of choice, small meals every 2 hrs and going on walks after dinner to help with digestion.
  2. Invest on bigger bras (2-3 sizes bigger that you currently using) and if you are planning on breast feeding get nursing bras from the beginning this way you don’t have to spend double the money.
  3. Reading Materials, What to Expect When you are Expecting is a great source to know everything about your pregnancy. The best best best!!!! book MUST HAVE!! The Nanny Connie Way, this book is all about those first three months when the baby is home, and if you are planing on breast feeding Baby Wise.
  4. I am not a big fan of Maternity Clothes so must of the items I wore were regular clothes 2 sizes bigger. So if you are a small before pregnancy be ready to be at a size Large by the third trimester.
  5. Prepare your skin with Stretch mark Creams/oils etc.
  6. Best App - Ovia Pregnancy - simple, free, and super informative.

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